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GetAConnect Boosts User Experience with Massive Performance Increase

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GetAConnect, a content funnel company, faced website slowdowns and lost B2B customers due to a poor user experience with its previous host. Rapyd cloud hosting’s smooth migration, blazing fast speeds, and seamless rebranding helped it overcome these challenges and achieve significant growth.

Customer Introduction

Chanakya Joshi, an alumnus of the prestigious IIM Indore, brings a wealth of experience. Over the past two decades, he has gone through the same pain points businesses face in stakeholder engagement. His entrepreneurial spirit led him to found GetAConnect, a company dedicated to revolutionising how businesses connect with their partners, employees, and customers through strategic content funnels.

GetAConnect operates on the fundamental belief that a company’s success hinges on its customers and the strength of its relationships with partners and employees. Their innovative approach leverages learning and marketing technologies to achieve this.


Before migrating to Rapyd, GetAConnect’s website used HostGator to host their website.

“My website was previously hosted on Hostgator. It was a shared hosting (a Baby Cloud plan). The challenge was website was very slow both at the backend as well as front end”, Chanakya Shared.

Moreover, sudden spikes in website usage lead to significant slowdowns, negatively affecting the trial experience for potential B2B customers and even leading to lost business opportunities.

Customer Story of GetAConnect

“The website used to completely become slow once the resources were utilized due to sudden spike in usage,” Joshi explained. “I lost a couple of B2B customers because of the backend trial experience was not good with them.”

Beyond the performance issues, Joshi’s other concern was migration to a new hosting, even if he decides to change it.

“The first apprehension of course was about the Migration. The migration has to be smooth as it was a big change for us,” he added.


Joshi discovered Rapyd cloud hosting through his involvement with the BuddyBoss community. He already knew BuddyBoss for its high-quality products and support, as he has been using BuddyBoss to power the GetAConnect community website. “I am an ardent fan of BuddyBoss and especially Michael Eisenwasser (for his really well built product and, even better, the videos about the product) and Tom Cheddadi for his extremely high level of energy and awesome culture he has set up at BuddyBoss.”, Joshi shared. “So when Rapyd Beta was announced in BuddyBoss Facebook Group, it was a no-brainer for me to register for the Beta.”

Customer Story of GetAConnect

He opted for the Rapyd Startup Level 1 plan and took advantage of the free migration service from Rapyd.

“The migration experience was really smooth for me,” Joshi said. “When the migration actually went live, I was at a hospital due to a personal emergency. I got time during the night when I got time for a chat with your support team and give the ‘Go Ahead’. In next 5 minutes the site was migrated. I could not believe that I could do it with all the personal challenges I faced at the hospital.”


Since migrating to Rapyd cloud hosting, GetAConnect has experienced significant performance improvements in its website. Apart from the speed improvement, they had a great experience with the domain transfer of their website.

“The major challenges Rapyd solved for us are 1) SPEED of the website (both at front end and back end), 2) SMOOTH REBRANDING (easy 301 redirects from https://getaconnect.in to https://getaconnectglobal.com),” Chanakya shared.

Customer Story of GetAConnect


GetAConnect now has a website blazing fast and responsive, fostering a more positive user journey and potentially leading to increased customer satisfaction.

Their decision to partner with Rapyd cloud hosting played a critical role in this success story, providing the foundation for a high-performance website and a seamless rebranding experience. As Joshi emphasised, “Rapyd cloud hosting was a very important decision for our business.”

Customer Story of GetAConnect

He further added, “It is extremely comforting when your developer himself is looking at hosting in a way. I think this is their inherent differentiator (of BuddyBoss) which almost no one can beat.Snapshot

GetAConnect, a content funnel company, faced website slowdowns and lost B2B customers due to poor user experience with their previous host. Rapyd cloud hosting’s smooth migration, blazing fast speeds, and seamless rebranding helped them overcome these challenges and achieve significant growth.

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Faisal Sarker Content Writer
Faisal Sarker is a skilled Content Writer and Strategist at BuddyBoss, a leading WordPress product company. With expertise in WordPress, SaaS, and software marketing, Faisal creates and edits technical blogs. His diverse experience spans software, travel, engineering, and telemarketing industries, showcasing his versatile writing abilities.
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