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How Eli Found Financial Freedom with English Pro Tips

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English Pro Tips is a BuddyBoss-powered eLearning platform for IELTS exam preparation. They sought a hosting solution to keep pace with their comprehensive learning resources and growing student community.

Founder Eli Hardie Howes chose Rapyd to host the website. Rapyd’s optimization for BuddyBoss allowed them to achieve significant improvements in website speed, allowing English Pro Tips to deliver a smoother and more engaging learning experience.

Customer Introduction

Eli Hardie Howes, founder of English Pro Tips, empowers students to get better scores in the IELTS exam through his comprehensive online learning platform. English Pro Tips offers a well-rounded approach to exam preparation. It has interactive quizzes, video lessons, expert strategies, and model answers to help students score better.


Before discovering Rapyd, Eli used Cloudways to host English Pro Tips. However, he recognised the limitations this posed for his dynamic e-learning platform. There was no particular optimisation for a dynamic course and membership website.

I was previously with CloudWays,” Eli added. “I wanted to be with a hosting provider that understood dynamic membership and eLearning websites


Eli was already looking for a hosting provider more suited for his unique and dynamic website. So when Rapyd Early Bird launched, recognising the potential of Rapyd hosting for English Pro Tips, Eli decided to make the switch. “I decided to buy their early bird deal (of Rapyd),” Eli says.

Customer Story of English Pro Tips

While initially apprehensive about the level of support compared to his previous host’s larger team, Eli’s concerns were quickly alleviated:

When I started with Rapyd, I was worried about their ability to reply quickly to my support needs,” Eli admits.

“However, I was pleasantly surprised by Rapyd’s support and responsiveness. I even had Wes (the architect) help me delete some unnecessary files that were slowing my site down,” he went on to share his amazement at Rapyd’s support.

Customer Story of English Pro Tips


Since migrating to Rapyd hosting, English Pro Tips has reaped numerous benefits.

In a world of decreased patience and distractions left, right and centre, it’s essential that your site is as fast as it can be,” Eli emphasised. “There is no doubt that my site is much faster now that it’s on Rapyd.”

Eli further elaborates on his experience with Rapyd’s personalise support:

“I even had Wes, who I guess is the grand architect of Rapyd, go into my site specifically and help me discover a file in my WP config file that was slowing my website down. And since removing that, I’ve noticed sizable increases in my speed. “

Customer Story of English Pro Tips

Overall, he expresses his joy about how fast his website has become after moving to Rapyd from Cloudways.

“I’ve been very happy with how fast my website has been since switching to Rapyd.”


Eli Hardie Howes has transformed English Pro Tips into a powerful resource for IELTS exam preparation. When he recognised the limitations of his previous hosting solution, he was seeking a platform tailored for dynamic websites and social communities. Finally, Eli found the perfect fit in Rapyd hosting.

The switch to Rapyd has delivered significant benefits, most notably a substantial boost in website speed. This translates directly to a smoother user experience for Eli’s students and a higher income.

“The BuddyBoss + Rapyd combo has allowed me to leave my full-time job as an English teacher and work entirely for myself. And with a much higher income than I ever anticipated!” Eli shares.

Customer Story of English Pro Tips

With the secure and optimised foundation that Rapyd provides, Eli can now confidently focus on delivering exceptional learning experiences to his students.Snapshot

English Pro Tips is a BuddyBoss-powered eLearning platform for IELTS exam preparation. They sought a hosting solution that could keep pace with their comprehensive learning resources and growing student community.

Founder Eli Hardie Howes chose Rapyd to host the website. Rapyd’s optimization for BuddyBoss means they were able to achieve significant improvements in website speed, allowing English Pro Tips to deliver a smoother and more engaging learning experience.

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Faisal Sarker Content Writer
Faisal Sarker is a skilled Content Writer and Strategist at BuddyBoss, a leading WordPress product company. With expertise in WordPress, SaaS, and software marketing, Faisal creates and edits technical blogs. His diverse experience spans software, travel, engineering, and telemarketing industries, showcasing his versatile writing abilities.
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